Upcoming events


Sacred Encounters

As Earth prepares to spring forth, what has the season of winter encouraged us to consider, and how are we preparing for what is next? Join Debbie Scott, eco spiritual director and Br. Thomas Kildare, Anam Cara Fellowship, as we engage in a holy wander at Mountain Light, looking for what shimmers in Nature, and how that touches our inner landscape. We will gather at the stone cottage before our wander, and then return there for discussion and a time of refreshment. Please RSVP to Debbie at Debbie@mountainlightretreatva.com so you may be advised of any changes due to weather. All are welcome!

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Write Time

The retreat will be open for writers who wish to experience the still mountain beauty as inspiration for both composing and sketching. Bring your own materials, find a place to settle in for your creative time, and then choose whether to join the gathering for a simple lunch of soup and sandwiches. A group share at the end of the retreat day is also optional. The retreat will be organized by Debbie Scott, and your RSVP is appreciated. Please contact Debbie at Debbie@mountainlightretreatva.com. The fee, including lunch, is $20.

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to Mar 9

Beautiful Vision: Cultivating Insight through Buddhist Liturgical Contemplation

Monastic traditions throughout the world vary widely in their practices, prayer life, and precepts, but they do share some consistent and universal elements. Their communities are often located in the peaceful and serene surroundings of the natural world, where those living life in the fullness of their faith can commune with the sacred through the beauty and stillness found outside of the movements and bustle of urban environments. And while the rhythms of their daily routines can be quite different from tradition to tradition, the monastic life is defined by the routinization of periods of prayer and meditation throughout the course of the day—especially emphasizing the beginning and ending of their days in gathering for group practice and liturgy.  

This retreat is offered by Saccadhārā Kōkyo (Todd Brown), visiting resident of Mountain Light Retreat. Inspired by monastic spirituality and interreligious theological approaches, Todd will lead meditation and liturgical chanting sessions within the beauty and natural surroundings of the Mountain Light Retreat chapel—helping us all to ground ourselves in contemplative living, to further habituate a daily spiritual practice for ourselves, and to carry a continued sense of presence and prayer as we move through our daily lives and activities—to live life with greater degrees of divine presence and purified perception.

The days will include formal sitting and walking meditation sessions, morning and evening chanting liturgies, and simple breakfast, lunch, and tea offerings with discussion and instruction in the dining hall. The structure of and instruction during the gatherings are rooted in the Buddhist tradition, but are not limited to any specific religious affiliation and integrates the teachings of other contemplative traditions as well. All are welcome and encouraged to participate.

You may drop-in to join in contemplative time, stay for a day, or stay for the entire retreat.

If you would like to be added to Saccadhārā’s email list to receive the most current updates on this retreat and other upcoming events, please email todd.mountainlight@gmail.com.

To reserve overnight stay, please contact Debbie@mountainlightretreatva.com.


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to Mar 30

Welcoming Divine Presence: Embodying the Mishkin through Authentic Movement

We offer the Discipline of Authentic Movement as a Jewish spiritual practice to enter the doorway between the conscious and unconscious. We embody the weekly Torah portion, Pekudei, with the collective support of a sacred circle of movers. The Mishkan is the Holy Space created by the whole community as a place for the Divine to dwell. This image and sacred energy will support the exploration of our awareness of our full humanness—the places that feel holy and those that feel far from holiness. As we deepen into an embodied place of direct intuitive knowing, we open to our knowing and unknowing in our bodies, in our souls, and in our wholeness. All are welcome to join this sacred circle. We practice Authentic Movement with eyes closed in the presence of a compassionate witness. Silence and speech, movement and stillness are all gifts we bring to our deep embodied listening.

This retreat is led by Simona Aronow and Julie Leavitt. Simona Aronow (BC-DMT, CMA, NCC, NCTMB) facilitates movement for self-awareness and transformation. She brings to this work over 45 years of experience as a therapist, teacher, healer and supervisor. She maintains a private practice in Charlottesville, as well as leading both in-person retreats and a virtual monthly Authentic Movement retreat for experienced students. Julie Leavitt (DMin, BC-DMT, LMHC) is a body-centered psychotherapist and spiritual companion. She has taught for 30+ years at Lesley University and practices spiritual direction at Hebrew College, Hebrew Union College, and privately. Simona and Julie have enjoyed co-leading many retreats. Learn more by contacting Simona for the attached retreat flyer, and use the register button below to register. Contact Simona: saronow@verizon.net. Contact Julie: injewel1@gmail.com.


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to Apr 27

The Four Paths of Creation Spirituality

Are you in love with Mother Earth, stunned by her beauty, awed by her allurement? 

Do you believe in saying, “Thank you!” 

Do you yearn to soothe the pain she’s experiencing? 

Have you cried over her wounds? 

Have you ever had a conversation with a rock, plant, or animal? 

Would you like to feel part of the interdependent Earth community surrounding us? 

Can you imagine lobbying for eco-justice? 

Do the stars speak to you? 

Do you long to integrate your spirituality with all of creation? 

With Thomas Aquinas, do you agree that all people should study nature?  

 If you answer yes to any of these questions, or if you are just intrigued,  

you are invited to join us at  

Mountain Light Retreat https://www.mountainlightretreatva.com/  

6656 Mountain Light Place, Crozet, VA  22932 

for an experience of The Four Paths of Creation Spirituality https://www.cscommunities.org/  

Mary Ann Wamhoff will facilitate this immersive weekend: 

Friday, April 25, we open our circle at 2 and work on Path One, the Via Positiva, until 7. 

Saturday, April 26, we resume at 9 and work until 7 on Paths Two and Three, the Via Negativa and the Via Creativa

Sunday, April 27, we resume at 9 and work on Path Four, the Via Transformativa, until we close our circle at 2. 

While participants are encouraged to stay on site, those who reside locally may wish to commute; however, this is a unitive weekend: dropping in for just one part is not possible.  If you plan to stay at Mountain Light, please consider booking your accommodations soon info@mountainlightretreatva.com . It is possible to add a day or so before or after the retreat—or both! Spring is a very beautiful and popular time of year in the Blue Ridge!  

 Each path will introduce us to specific content, body prayer, sacred wisdom, and art as meditation. If you have artistic or musical projects, please bring them and your tools. The labyrinth will be used as a practice that can naturally integrate the Four Paths. Participants will have time to increase their capacity as mystics, artists, and prophets. 

 The Four Paths of Creation Spirituality is a spiritual practice for communities and individuals which invites us to consciously take part in the cycle of life. Immerse yourself in this weekend, share it with your anam cara, prepare to take it back to your community. The paths of this spiral are non-dogmatic, open to any and every tradition—or those with no tradition. “The Universe, and all life within it, is fundamentally a blessing.” Take a Spring weekend to celebrate this with us! 

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Sacred Encounters

Our encounters with the retreat landscape speak to us differently in each season. Join Debbie Scott and Br. Thomas Kildare for a winter wander (weather permitting) and discover how nature speaks in this season. We will gather in the stone cottage before and after our wander, and enjoy savoring both the encounters with the wild and the reflections we share with each other. Refreshments will be served following the wander. We will reschedule if weather does not permit our gathering.

Please RSVP to Debbie at Debbie@mountainlightretreatva.com so you may receive notice of any changes.

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VESSEL: A Devotional DanceJourney

This season we will have 2 opportunities for spacious deep dives into our inner landscapes of heart and soul - to journey into a wide range of human experience through breath + movement + rhythm. VESSEL is a devotional dance journey grounded in intent, somatics, and an inspired DJ Set. In this ritual healing, we leave nothing out - the mess, the confusion, the heartbreak and breakthroughs, all of it becomes fuel for the dance. 

Following our dance, we will create a comfortable resting nest for a luxurious restorative integration. Surrounded and supported by your favorite cozy props, you will have the opportunity to practice compassionate healing through guided, conscious rest. We’ll complete the day with a meal (brought from home) together. 

These two classes are open for all and space is limited. Please consider carpooling if you can.  I’m so looking forward to returning to the inspiring sanctuary at Mountain Light Retreat Center in a few weeks.

I hope you’ll join us in community effervescence to honor the vessel that you are in.


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Celtic Advent with Folk Harp

The Celtic way of preparing our hearts for the coming Child is offered in this service open to all ages and denominations. The Gathering will be led by the Rev. William “Dawg” Strong, and the Celtic harp music of Brenda Cox will inspire and delight us. Come and ponder God’s gift of life in the Mountain Light chapel, and then join us for treats in the cottage living room with a lovely fire in the wood stove. To RSVP, contact Debbie@mountainlightretreatva.com.

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to Dec 8

Rohatsu: A Buddhist Advent Retreat

Rohatsu is the Japanese Zen observance of the historical Buddha’s awakening, often referred to as Bodhi Day in English, and is celebrated annually on December 8th. Traditionally, in Zen monastic communities, Rohatsu is the culminating day of week-long sesshin. In Japanese monasticism, a sesshin is an intensive retreat dedicated to one’s full emersion into contemplative practice and deep silence. Sesshin literally means “to touch the heart-mind” or “to connect with spirit”—therefore, while embracing the natural world of experience and wonder, we move inwards to gain insight into our true nature of being.

Auspiciously, this year’s Rohatsu retreat nearly coincides with the start of Advent, the beginning of the Christian liturgical year. Both Advent and Rohatsu are times of religious preparation, purification, and contemplative practice leading to a celebration of the arrival of a transformative spiritual illumination of the world—seen as the coming of the Christ-light in the Christian tradition, and the radiant awakening of a buddha within Buddhist religious culture. These observances are also meaningfully placed at the end of the calendar year, allowing us to begin our new year grounded in our faith and intention, and in our spiritual practice.

This retreat is offered by Saccadharo Todd Brown, visiting resident of Mountain Light Retreat, and Steve Hughes of Clear Spring Zen. The days will begin and end with formal Zen sitting meditation (zazen), walking meditation (kinhin), and chanting services. The remainder of each day will consist of less-formal periods of silent sitting and walking meditation, with alternating periods of personal time for study, reflection, relaxation, or continued practice.

As an interfaith practice, and in the spirit of Advent, we will reflect on the life of the Buddha up to his enlightenment experience using scripture as our guide. There will be daily scripture readings and reflection from the Buddhist canon during the morning session, followed by a group tea and discussion on the readings in the afternoon for those who are interested to join.

Following tradition, this Rohatsu retreat will emphasize silent practice. Silence will be kept—to the best of one’s ability—for the duration of the retreat. There will be a group tea each day for quiet scripture and practice discussion. Simple meals at breakfast and lunch will be provided on a donation basis; refraining from the evening meal is recommended by not compulsory. If you wish to take an evening meal, please bring your own food, which can be stored in one of two kitchens at the center. The structure of and instruction during this gathering are rooted in the Buddhist tradition, but are not limited to any specific religious affiliation and can openly integrate the teachings of other contemplative traditions as well. All are welcome and encouraged to participate.

Overnight stays: It is highly recommended to devote as much time as possible to the Rohatsu retreat experience, to deepen one’s spiritual life and contemplative practice through an extended period of silent retreat and reflection. Feel free to stay for the entirety of the retreat or for whatever length of time is available to you. The lodging price is $35/night. To reserve a room at Mountain Light Retreat for overnight stays during this gathering, please contact Debbie Scott at debbie@mountainlightretreatva.com. Day visits: It is also possible to stay on the Mountain Light Retreat grounds throughout the day during this retreat. There are sitting areas in the cottage and the dorm, as well as outside and in the chapel. Please come for as many days as you are able. Drop-ins: All are welcome to drop-in for any of the meditation sessions or meals as your time allows. If arriving for meditation after the opening bell, please be mindful of your noise level upon entering—and come in and take a seat!

 Registration and fees: There are no fees for this retreat, all (except lodging) is offered on a donation basis and relies solely on the spirit of generosity—feel free to attend any or all of the gatherings as your time and budget allows. All financial offerings go to offsetting the costs of the retreat, meals, and the facilitators’ expenses. Registration is requested for this retreat. Please email todd.mountainlight@gmail.com to register for any overnight stays or day visits, or with any questions. Drop-in guests need not register.

Meals: Simple meals will be served following the morning and midday meditation sessions. While all meals are offered freely, donations are accepted and appreciated to offset costs. We do appreciate RSVPs for any meals you plan on joining. To RSVP for meal attendance please email  todd.mountainlight@gmail.com.

 Daily Schedule

Monday, December 2           

7–8:30pm        Refuges and precepts

Formal Zen meditation (Zazen)

Tuesday–Saturday, December 3–7   

5–6am             Meditation (optional)

7–8:30am        Zazen and morning service

8:30am            Simple breakfast – yogurt and fruit, coffee and tea

11am–1pm       Meditation – sitting and walking

1pm                 Simple lunch – lentils and rice, coffee and tea

3–5pm             Meditation – sitting and walking

5:30pm            Tea

7–8:30pm        Zazen and evening service

Sunday, December 8

5–6am             Meditation (optional)

7–8:30am        Zazen and morning service

8:30am            Simple breakfast – yogurt and fruit, coffee and tea

9:30–10am      Clean room and departure

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VESSEL: A Devotional DanceJourney

This season we will have 2 opportunities for spacious deep dives into our inner landscapes of heart and soul - to journey into a wide range of human experience through breath + movement + rhythm. VESSEL is a devotional dance journey grounded in intent, somatics, and an inspired DJ Set. In this ritual healing, we leave nothing out - the mess, the confusion, the heartbreak and breakthroughs, all of it becomes fuel for the dance. 

Following our dance, we will create a comfortable resting nest for a luxurious restorative integration. Surrounded and supported by your favorite cozy props, you will have the opportunity to practice compassionate healing through guided, conscious rest. We’ll complete the day with a meal (brought from home) together. 

These two classes are open for all and space is limited. Please consider carpooling if you can.  I’m so looking forward to returning to the inspiring sanctuary at Mountain Light Retreat Center in a few weeks.

I hope you’ll join us in community effervescence to honor the vessel that you are in.


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Ancient Myths, Modern Applications: Labyrinths as Creative & Spiritual Practice

Join Veriditas Accredited Labyrinth Facilitators Lars Howlett and Mary Ann Wamhoff to learn about labyrinths, experience a group walk, and explore the history and folklore of labyrinths. Lars and Mary Ann will share applications and approaches for walking including their stories and provide opportunities for reflection and optional sharing. Lars will discuss the myths and mystery of Classical Labyrinths in Sweden based on his research and visits to islands in the Baltic Sea. Mary Ann will lead us in practices for unblocking and accessing a fertile creative process.

How were archetypal labyrinths used in Scandinavia? What ways are people walking labyrinths today? When have labyrinths appeared throughout history and why is there a resurgence today? Join us for a day of insight and inspiration as we travel these winding paths together!

While the main workshop (above) is for adults, children are welcome to the afternoon finger labyrinth crafting class and evening full moon labyrinth walk listed below.

Create your own Handheld Finger Labyrinth: 3-5 pm, $50, light dinner provided

This 2-hour workshop will provide you with a simple method and everyday materials for drawing a labyrinth and creating your own handheld design. Practices for labyrinth ‘finger walks’ will be introduced, and you can take your labyrinth home.

Full Day Combined Workshop and Craft Registration: $125 (save $25)

Facilitated Full Moon Labyrinth Walk: 5:30/6 pm, free with RSVP (donations accepted)

Contact: Mary Ann Wamhoff at cslabyrinth@outlook.com to register or with questions

Overnight lodging available, contact Debbie@mountainlightretreatva.com.

 Lars Howlett builds, walks, and photographs labyrinths as a practice in mindfulness. He is a Veriditas Faculty Member and Certified Advanced Labyrinth Facilitator having trained with the leader of the labyrinth movement, Lauren Artress, at Grace and Chartres Cathedrals. For three years he was the apprentice to Master Builder Robert Ferré, learning the art of sacred geometry and his methods of creating proportional and precise Classical and Medieval patterns.

In 2015 he launched Discover Labyrinths LLC based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Lars inherited his mentor’s custom tools, labyrinth library, and workshop curriculum. In 2017 Lars was named a Master Builder by contemporaries in his field.

Now leading a new generation in designing and building labyrinths, Lars works hand-in-hand with individuals and institutions. In workshops, writing, and tours, he shares his experiments and experiences. Visit www.DiscoverLabyrinths.com to learn more about his labyrinth work.

Mary Ann Wamhoff Crozet, Virginia

After training with Lauren Artress in Chartres, Mary Ann became a Veriditas Advanced Accredited Labyrinth Facilitator. She has walked labyrinths since at least 1995, has never stopped studying (most recently, Creation Spirituality, Deep Time, and mystics), and is a Reiki Master. She regularly facilitated public walks sponsored by the Labyrinth Resource Group of Santa Fe, and spearheaded and helped build a 48-foot Chartres-style labyrinth. She is presently introducing her new Virginian community to the joys of labyrinth walking! As a Veriditas Council member, she supports facilitators in listening for walkers’ deepest yearnings and is excited about being part of the Veriditas Inclusion Initiative. Coming from a tradition that believes in the unseen, she has both felt and seen the labyrinth's amazing power! Mary Ann embraces labyrinth activism and loves to present workshops about the labyrinth! She’s awfully busy for being retired! Or is she refired?

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Becoming the Ocean: A Mindfulness and Nature Connection Day Retreat

Create space for yourself and spend time in community at this daylong retreat. Experience the rest, renewal, and connection that a retreat can offer in this beautiful mountain setting.

Retreat Facilitator Christine Gyovai is a professional facilitator and coach in building resilient communities. Christine teaches yoga, meditation, and loves to be outside. Through her work as the Principal of Dialogue + Design Associates and host of Yes! We Rise podcast, she guides civic leaders and community members to envision a more sustainable future and to come together to make that vision a reality.

For more information and to register, visit Christine’s website, yeswerise.org/retreats.

For overnight stay, please contact Debbie@mountainlightretreatva.com.

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Women's Journey Retreat: Coming Home

Happy Fall!  We are excited about our upcoming Women's Journey Retreat!

Coming Home is the final stage of the heroine’s journey, where you return home to your Ordinary world a changed person. You will have learned many things, slayed the dragons, and met some helpers along the way. Your community wants and needs what you are bringing back. We will identify our elixir and treasures you return with that represent the growth and wisdom you have learned on your journey. You have reclaimed your original soul essence, and things will clearly never be the same again.

Join us for a day of respite and nourishment for your body, mind and spirit with healthy dining experiences as well as opportunities for movement, creativity, reflection, play and wonder. Our retreats are designed to explore and embrace your role as the storyteller of your life. They are stand-alone retreats – so even if you haven’t come to the others we hope you will consider joining us for this final one in our series!

 Retreat leaders are Lisa Crawford and Kathy Doby. For more information or to register, please contact Lisa at lisa@gracefullliving.com or phone 434-989-0340 or Kathy at ktdoby63@gmail.com or phone 434-960-2848. Cost for this day retreat is $135 and includes a light breakfast and lunch. To hold a retreat space, payment is due at registration. Payment may be made by Venmo to Lisa-Crawford-146 or by check, mailed to Lisa Crawford at Grace Full Living, 1514 Ballard Drive, Crozet, VA. 22932.

Lisa Crawford is the founder of Grace Full Living in Crozet. She is an experienced retreat leader and a spiritual director and served as faculty of Richmond Hill ‘s Spiritual Direction Program, RUAH. She practices Healing Touch energy medicine which uses the body’s life forces to balance, restore, and revitalize our mind, body, and spirit.

Kathy Doby is an experienced retreat leader and spiritual director. She has served as Director of Faith Formation at several Charlottesville congregations. She is an ordained Elder in the Presbyterian Church and is using her vow of creativity, energy, intelligence and love in her service and work in the world.

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Sacred Encounters

Opening to the awesome beauty of the Blue Ridge Mountains and experiencing what the land here offers is the opportunity of this afternoon retreat.  Guides Debbie Scott (Franciscan Companion) and Br. Thomas Kildare (Anam Cara Fellowship) offer a Saunter on the property, followed by a time of reflection. Feel centered by the fellowship of nature enthusiasts and our more-than-human neighbors.

 For folks preferring to sit rather than saunter, outdoor seating is provided.  Afternoon refreshments are also provided.  To RSVP, please contact Debbie@mountainlightretreatva.com.

Fee for this event is free, donations gratefully accepted.  All ages are welcome.

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The UnKnown: An Embodied Exploration

 Please join us for The Unknown, a retreat designed to explore the most primal aspects of your being. Co-facilitated by Liz Childs Kelly and Samantha Lane, this immersive experience weaves embodiment practices, ancient Sacred Feminine wisdom, dance, communal refuge, and elemental magic. This retreat welcomes all who identify as women.

The retreat experience includes:   

  • Facilitated 360 Emergence movement journeys

  • Morning meditation and yoga flows

  • Deep immersion in nature 

  • Ample time for rest

  • Nourishing meals

  • Community effervescence

Event link here: https://www.afterbefore.live/immersions 

Facilitator Bios:

Liz Childs Kelly

Liz Childs Kelly is an award-winning researcher, educator, and host of the popular Home to Her podcast, and is deeply dedicated to growing awareness of the Sacred Feminine in all aspects of life. She is also the author of Home to Her: Walking the Transformative Path of the Sacred Feminine (Womancraft Publishing), a 2023 Nautilus Gold Award Recipient.

Liz teaches and leads workshops online and across the United States. Her writing has been featured in Forbes, Mashable, Rebelle Society, Human Parts, Braided Way, and in the Girl God Books anthology Just As I Am: Hymns Affirming the Divine Female. An initiated priestess in the 13 Moons lineage, she holds certifications in both Vinyasa and Yin Yoga, and is also a level III certified Reiki practitioner. 

Samantha Lane 

Samantha brings a graceful invitation for healing. Embodying her mission of profound social change and conscious evolution with a quarter century of leadership; she uncovers and revels in the potency of being awake and alive in a body. She is certified in Nia, 5Rhythms, and The 360 Emergence. With training in The Polyvagal Theory and Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness, she empowers self-regulation and magnifies radical loving kindness.  Informed by her own keen awareness of injury and trauma, this Phoenix has guided dance spaces throughout Southern California, Boulder, and at festivals from coast to coast; encouraging a collective brilliance to ascend from the ashes everywhere she goes.  A community builder in her Charlottesville and Richmond, Virginia home, she invests in the full range of humans being.

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RVA Writers Read Poetry & Prose

Join us for a revelatory evening featuring Richmond area writers gathering to share their work. We’ll hear poems and snippets of memoir and flash and at the end the audience is invited to join in and collaborate on a poem we make together! This in-person event is free and open to the public.

Featured writers: Catherine Carson, Rosa Castellano, Emily Okamoto-Green, Kristina Hamlett, Lauren Miner, Ty Phelps, April Sopkin, & Nate Waggoner

Presented by The Visual Arts Center of Richmond. For more information, contact Rosa Castellano: castellano.rosa@yahoo.com

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to Oct 17

Living Fully: Cultivating the Contemplative Life

Monastic traditions throughout the world vary widely in their practices, prayer life, and precepts, but they do share some consistent and universal elements. Their communities are often located in the peaceful and serene surroundings of the natural world, where those living life in the fullness of their faith can commune with the sacred through the beauty and stillness found outside of the movements and bustle of urban environments. And while the rhythms of their daily routines can be quite different from tradition to tradition, the monastic life is defined by the habituation of periods of prayer and meditation throughout the course of the day—especially emphasizing the beginning and ending of their days in gathering for group practice and liturgy.

 This retreat is offered by Saccadharo Todd Brown, visiting resident of Mountain Light Retreat. Inspired by monastic spirituality and interreligious theological approaches, Todd will lead meditation and liturgical chanting sessions within the beauty and natural surroundings of the Mountain Light Retreat chapel—helping us all to ground ourselves in contemplative living, to further habituate a daily spiritual practice for ourselves, and to carry a continued sense of presence and prayer as we move through our daily lives and activities—to live life fully.

 The days will include formal sitting and walking meditation sessions, morning and evening chanting liturgies, and simple breakfast, lunch, and tea offerings with discussion and instruction in the dining hall. The structure of and instruction during the gatherings are rooted in the Buddhist tradition, but are not limited to any specific religious affiliation and may integrate the teachings of other contemplative traditions as well. All are welcome and encouraged to participate.

To reserve an overnight space at the retreat, contact Debbie@mountainlightretreatva.com. To RSVP for meals or for more information, contact todd.mountainlight@gmail.com.

Full Schedule

Monday, October 14: 7-8:45 pm, Meditation and evening chanting, receiving the precepts; 8:45 pm Tea

Tuesday and Wednesday, October 15-16: 5-6am Meditation, 7-8:45 am Meditation and morning chanting, 8:45 am Simple Breakfast (coffee/tea, yogurt, fruit); 12:15-1 pm Meditation, 1:00 pm—Simple Lunch (coffee/tea, lentils, rice), 5-5:30 pm Meditation, 5:30 pm light snack, 7-8:45 pm Meditation and evening chanting, 8:45 pm Tea

Thursday, October 17: 5-6 am Meditation, 7-8:45 am Meditation and morning chanting, 8:45 am Simple breakfast, 9:30-10 am Clean room and depart

Drop-ins: All are welcome to drop-in for any of the meditation sessions or meals as your time allows. If arriving for meditation after the opening bell, please be mindful of your noise level upon entering—and come in and take a seat!

There is no registration or fees, but please do make donations toward the retreat costs as you feel led to do so.

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Sacred Encounters

Opening to the awesome beauty of the Blue Ridge Mountains and experiencing what the land here offers is the opportunity of this afternoon retreat.  Guides Debbie Scott (Franciscan Companion) and Br. Thomas Kildare (Anam Cara Fellowship) offer a Saunter on the property, followed by a time of reflection. Feel centered by the fellowship of nature enthusiasts and our more-than-human neighbors.

 For folks preferring to sit rather than saunter, outdoor seating is provided.  Afternoon refreshments are also provided.  To RSVP, please contact Debbie@mountainlightretreatva.com.

Fee for this event is free, donations gratefully accepted.  All ages are welcome.

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Sacred Encounters

Opening to the awesome beauty of the Blue Ridge Mountains and experiencing what the land here offers is the opportunity of this afternoon retreat.  Guides Debbie Scott (Franciscan Companion) and Br. Thomas Kildare (Anam Cara Fellowship) offer a Saunter on the property, followed by a time of reflection and some readings to celebrate the arrival of autumn.Feel centered by the fellowship of nature enthusiasts and our more-than-human neighbors.

 For folks preferring to sit rather than saunter, outdoor seating is provided.  Afternoon refreshments are also provided.  To RSVP, please contact Debbie@mountainlightretreatva.com.

Fee for this event is free, donations gratefully accepted.  All ages are welcome.

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4th Friday Retreat

Are you looking for a day of quiet reflection and soul care? Come enjoy time in solitude or in quiet fellowship with other companions in a place of beauty and peace. We will begin our time at 10 am in the church sharing a reading and some silence together. You are welcome to spend the rest of your day as you like. Bring whatever you need to make it a meaningful day for you. A simple lunch will be provided at noon, or you may bring your own. Spiritual companioning is available on request. Reserve your space by emailing Debbie@mountainlightretreatva.com. Retreat leader is Kathy Doby, area spiritual companion and contemplative retreat leader. Event fee is $20 and may be paid on arrival.

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to Sep 25

Living Fully: Cultivating the Contemplative Life

Monastic traditions throughout the world vary widely in their practices, prayer life, and precepts, but they do share some consistent and universal elements. Their communities are often located in the peaceful and serene surroundings of the natural world, where those living life in the fullness of their faith can commune with the sacred through the beauty and stillness found outside of the movements and bustle of urban environments. And while the rhythms of their daily routines can be quite different from tradition to tradition, the monastic life is defined by the habituation of periods of prayer and meditation throughout the course of the day—especially emphasizing the beginning and ending of their days in gathering for group practice and liturgy.

 This retreat is offered by Saccadharo Todd Brown, visiting resident of Mountain Light Retreat. Inspired by monastic spirituality and interreligious theological approaches, Todd will lead meditation and liturgical chanting sessions within the beauty and natural surroundings of the Mountain Light Retreat chapel—helping us all to ground ourselves in contemplative living, to further habituate a daily spiritual practice for ourselves, and to carry a continued sense of presence and prayer as we move through our daily lives and activities—to live life fully.

 The days will include formal sitting and walking meditation sessions, morning and evening chanting liturgies, and simple breakfast, lunch, and tea offerings with discussion and instruction in the dining hall. The structure of and instruction during the gatherings are rooted in the Buddhist tradition, but are not limited to any specific religious affiliation and may integrate the teachings of other contemplative traditions as well. All are welcome and encouraged to participate.

To reserve an overnight space at the retreat, contact Debbie@mountainlightretreatva.com. To RSVP for meals or for more information, contact todd.mountainlight@gmail.com.

Full Schedule

Sunday, September 22: 7-8:45 pm, Meditation and evening chanting, receiving the precepts; 8:45 pm Tea

Monday and Tuesday, September 23-24: 5-6am Meditation, 7-8:45 am Meditation and morning chanting, 8:45 am Simple Breakfast (coffee/tea, yogurt, fruit); 12:15-1 pm Meditation, 1:00 pm—Simple Lunch (coffee/tea, lentils, rice), 5-5:30 pm Meditation, 5:30 pm light snack, 7-8:45 pm Meditation and evening chanting, 8:45 pm Tea

Wednesday, September 25: 5-6 am Meditation, 7-8:45 am Meditation and morning chanting, 8:45 am Simple breakfast, 9:30-10 am Clean room and depart

Drop-ins: All are welcome to drop-in for any of the meditation sessions or meals as your time allows. If arriving for meditation after the opening bell, please be mindful of your noise level upon entering—and come in and take a seat!

There is no registration or fees, but please do make donations toward the retreat costs as you feel led to do so.

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Write Time Retreat

Let the mountain muses speak to you at this day retreat for writers and sketchers who seek a supportive sanctuary for their craft. Come early at 9:30 for coffee, pastry, and introductions. We begin our creative time at 10, breaking for lunch (provided, with vegetarian options) at 12:30, if desired. Then we will gather at 2:00 to share the gifts of the day. Bring the tools of your craft, and come to the stone cottage for the start of the day. To register, email Debbie@mountainlightretreatva.com. Your $20 fee is payable at the event.

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Grand-Parenting Retreat

One of the gifts of grand parenting is presence and taking delight in our grandchildren. We will gather on Grandparents Day to share how we come alongside our grandchildren on a journey of awakening, listening, and wondering together. There will also be time to explore the beauty of Mountain Light, and make ‘n take stations will be set up to give joyful ways to cultivate curiosity, creativity, and meaningful conversations with your dear ones. Your $10 donation will help to defray costs for this gathering. Event is led by Kathy Doby, area spiritual companion and contemplative retreat leader. To reserve your space, please email Debbie@mountainlightretreatva.com.

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Terra Divina Contemplative Prayer Retreat

This retreat is offered for the Charlottesville Area Spiritual Companions (CASC), and is open to all local spiritual companions/directors who have interest in learning more about CASC as well as the spiritual practice of Terra Divina.

In our outdoor retreat time, we will experience the practice of Terra Divina, immersing ourselves in the rhythms of the natural world through presence and contemplation. Similar to Lectio Divina and Visio Divina, but using the sacred text of nature, Terra Divina connects us with a contemplative experience of Presence.  After our “Holy Saunter” of solo wandering, we will have a time of reflection and prayer that arise from our experiences. 

 Following our spiritual exercise, Debbie Scott will lead a short discussion of the questions and observations from an ecological stance that would be relevant to spiritual companions/directors leading others in this practice.

 A spiritual practice of Holy Saunter fosters a sense of the wonder in creation and arouses our curiosity about our kinship with all that is.  From this stance of respect and awe, we open to Earth’s teaching and wisdom.  Our relationship shifts from the view of Earth as resource to Earth in relationship, knowing us and seeking to communicate with us.

 Practical Notes:  Terra Divina may be practiced as a seated activity as well as a wander, so the screen porch is a great location for those who have mobility concerns.  For walkers, please bring appropriate outdoor footwear, hat, and bug spray if desired.  Walking in light rain can also be a lovely experience if one is prepared with rain gear!

Lunch with vegetarian options is included, so please RSVP to Debbie@mountainlightretreatva.com if you would like to attend.

 Debbie Scott is on the leadership team of the CASC and is currently finishing studies in the Church of the Wild eco spiritual direction program offered by Victoria Loorz through the Seminary of the Wild.




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Rejuvenation with Self-Love

Ursula Goadhouse offers a supportive, creative, deep experience to rejuvenate the mind, heart, and body in this Saturday day retreat. This unique experience will include healing hypnotic visualization, breath work, creative expression and movement, all for inner exploration and healing. Rejuvenation with Self-Love is the retreat theme, intended for all genders. Early bird registration fee by July 20 is $155, and after July 20 is $175. For more information or to register, email Ursula@lovehealcreatehypnosis.com.

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Living Fully: Cultivating the Contemplative Life

Monastic traditions vary widely in their practices, prayer life, and precepts, but they do share some consistent and universal elements. Their communities are often located in the peaceful and serene surroundings of the natural world, where those living life in the fullness of their faith can commune with the sacred through the beauty and stillness found outside of the movements and bustle of urban environments. And while the rhythms of their daily routines can be quite different from tradition to tradition, the monastic life is defined by the habituation of periods of prayer and meditation throughout the course of the day—especially emphasizing the beginning and ending of their days in gathering for group practice and liturgy.

This retreat is offered by Saccadharo Todd Brown, visiting resident of Mountain Light Retreat. Inspired by monastic spirituality and interreligious theological approaches, Todd will lead meditation and liturgical chanting sessions within the beauty and natural surroundings of the Mountain Light Retreat chapel—helping us all to ground ourselves in contemplative living, to further habituate a daily spiritual practice for ourselves, and to carry a continued sense of presence and prayer as we move through our daily lives—to live life fully.

The chants will include formal sitting and walking meditation sessions, morning and evening chanting liturgies, and simple breakfast, lunch and tea offerings with discussion and instruction in the dining hall. The structure of and instruction during the gatherings are rooted in the Buddhist tradition, but are not limited to any specific religious affiliation and may integrate the teachings of other contemplative traditions as well. All are welcome and encouraged to participate.

There is also the option of making this a time of personal retreat, to use the chapel and the grounds for reflection, relaxation, prayer and meditation throughout the day between the formal gatherings. To reserve a room at the retreat, contact Debbie Scott at Debbie@mountainlightretreatva.com. For air conditioned rooms, first come, first served.

There is no fee or registration for this retreat, but we do ask that you RSVP for any meals you plan to join. Donations are accepted and appreciated. All financial offerings go solely to offsetting the costs of the retreat and residency. Feel free to attend any or all of the gatherings as your time allows. For questions or to RSVP for meals, please contact todd.mountainlight@gmail.com.

Full Retreat Schedule

Sunday, August 4: 7-8:30 pm Meditation and evening chanting; 8:30-9 pm Tea

Monday and Tuesday, August 5-6: 5-6 am Meditation; 7-8 am Meditation and morning chanting; 8:30 am Simple breakfast (coffee/tea, yogurt, fruit); 11:30 am Meditation; Noon—Simple Lunch (coffee/tea, lentils and rice); 7-8:30 pm Meditation and evening chanting; 8:30-9 pm Tea

Wednesday, August 7: 7-8:30 am Meditation and morning chanting; 8:30 am Simple Breakfast

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Women's Journey: Summer Day Retreat

Hit the Heat: Obstacle Alert

On our heroine’s journey of growth and learning we are confronted with challenges that can test our character in a variety of ways. Obstacles are thrown across your path; whether they be physical hurdles, people who test our progress, or an aspect of our personality that does not want us to move forward. Our skills and powers will be tested to the maximum, and we might feel like giving up. Yet every obstacle that we face helps us gain a deeper insight into the strength of our character.

In this day retreat we will reflect on the obstacles that often keep us at battle with ourselves as well as the treasures to be found that help us find wholeness. We will explore our shadow, journal and discuss, walk the labyrinth and use our creative imagination to explore our obstacles with compassion. We strive to offer a safe space for those who wish to participate in discussion; however, sharing is optional, and you are always free to decide what is comfortable for you.

Retreat facilitators are Lisa Crawford and Kathy Doby. Lisa Crawford is the founder of Grace Full Living in Crozet. She is an experienced retreat leader and a spiritual director, and served as faculty for the RUAH Spiritual Direction Program at Richmond Hill. She practices Healing Touch energy medicine which uses the body’s life force to balance, restore, and revitalize our mind, body and spirit. Kathy Doby is an experienced retreat leader and spiritual director. She has served as Director of Faith Formation at several Charlottesville congregations. She is an ordained elder in the Presbyterian Church and using her vow of creativity, energy, intelligence and love in her service and work in the world.

The cost for this retreat, including lunch, is $135. To hold a space for the retreat, payment is due upon registration. Payment by Venmo or check. Venmo@Lisa-Crawford-146. Or mail check to Lisa Crawford, Grace Full Living, 1514 Ballard Drive, Crozet VA. 22932. For more information, contact Lisa Crawford at 434-989-0340 or lisa@gracefullliving.com; Kathy Doby, 434-960-2848 or ktdoby63@gmail.com.

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Drum Circle

A drum circle is its own kind of “liturgy.” We gather in a circle, one starts a rhythm, and all are invited to listen and play their “part” as the Spirit leads. There are no wrong notes in a drum circle. The sound is just as it is, and the intention is about inclusion and community. We listen to God who is present within and among us, and we allow the flow and the rhythm to move us.

You may bring your own drum or use one of ours. We will intersperse with silence and poetry for this 45 minute time, and then there will be time for fellowship and reflection. Leaders are Daniel Brinson and the Trinity Episcopal Church drummers.

All are welcome to stay for a simple vegetarian lunch to follow. The Retreat will be open after the Drum Circle for your contemplative time.

For more information or to register, please contact Debbie@mountainlightretreatva.com. Your RSVP helps us prepare for the event.

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Ritual of Being Retreat

Our Ritual of Being Retreat offers a safe, trauma-informed sacred space for ritual, embodiment, connection with community, and potent transformation.

This retreat will support you in healing relationships with your body, mind, and spirit and will aid you in aligning more deeply with your heart and your purpose.

We will hold space for you to release all that is no longer for you and work with the fertile energies of summer to call in your dreams and desires.

The retreat is led by Waverly Davis, who leads somatic sound bath (waverlydavis.com/about); Alicia Henry, who leads a mindful tea meditation (aliciahenry.com); and Allie Redshaw, who will guide yin yoga (@allie_redshaw).

We come together to lose ourselves, to find ourselves. Join us to be deeply nourished, to find presence, and a profound sense of connection to yourself and the world around you.


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Living Fully: A Meditation Retreat for Daily Life

Monastic traditions throughout the world vary widely in their practices, prayer life, and precepts, but they do share some consistent and universal elements historically. Their communities are often located in the peaceful and serene surroundings of the natural world, where those living life in the fullness of their faith can commune with the sacred through the beauty and stillness found outside of the movements and bustle of urban environments. While the rhythms of their daily routines can be quite different from tradition to tradition, the vast majority of monastic communities begin and end their days gathered for group practice and liturgy.

 This retreat is the first of regularly scheduled gatherings offered by Saccadharo Todd Brown, visiting resident of Mountain Light Retreat. Inspired by monastic spirituality and interreligious theological approaches, Todd will facilitate morning and evening meditation and chanting gatherings within the beauty and natural surroundings of the Mountain Light Retreat chapel to begin and end each day—helping us all to carry a continued sense of presence and prayer as we move through our daily lives and activities.

 This first retreat of four gatherings will include formal sitting and walking meditation sessions, and a short chanting liturgy to conclude each gathering. The structure of and instruction during the gatherings are rooted in the Buddhist tradition, but not limited to any specific religious affiliation. All are welcome and encouraged to participate. There will be coffee, tea, and discussion available afterwards in the dining hall for those who wish to join. There is also the option of making this a time for personal retreat, to use the chapel and the grounds for reflection, relaxation, prayer and meditation throughout the day between gatherings. To reserve a room at Mountain Light Retreat for overnight stays during the retreat, please contact Debbie Scott at debbie@mountainlightretreatva.com.

 There is no fee for this retreat. Donations are accepted and appreciated. All financial offerings go solely of offsetting the costs of the retreat. Feel free to attend any or all of the gatherings. Please contact Todd at todd.mountainlight@gmail.com with any questions.

 Dates & times for additional meditations: Wednesday, June 26, 7-8:30 am and 7-8:30 pm; Thursday, June 27, 7-8:30 am.

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Introduction to the Labyrinth: Basics for Building Your Daily Practice

Do you want to learn more about this ancient archetype? Would you like to understand the recommended process of walking to benefit the most from this practice? Are you drawn to moving meditation techniques? What if you aren’t near a physical.land-based labyrinth?

Join Mary Ann Wamhoff to learn about and experience a little of this sacred geometry, the anceient steps for walking and what’s changed, network with like-minded folks over a light supper, and walk a labyrinth to practice what you’ve learned. We’ll meet on the day after the June solstice on the full moon. The cosmos will join our efforts!

Email cslabyrinth@outlook.com to register or for questions.

The fee is $30 for individuals, $25 for groups of 3 or more registering together. Sign up with friends, school chums, neighbors, family, church buddies, work colleagues—anybody!

The Labyrinth Activism Retreat scheduled for this date has been postponed until a later time.

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Sacred Earth Sacred Soul House Gathering (zoom)

Our House Gathering continues on zoom as we consider John Philip Newell’s book and pray together. This evening program is led by Br.Thomas Kildare, Anam Cara Fellowship, and features sacred readings, contemplative music, and sharing of thoughts on the readings.

To receive the zoom link and program, please email Debbie@mountainlightretreatva.com. Bring a candle to light for our opening.

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Sacred Earth Sacred Soul House Gathering

A contemplative House Gathering around John Philip Newell’s book, this event program is created by Br. Thomas Kildare, Anam Cara Fellowship, and takes place either inside or outside at the retreat depending on weather. The program includes sacred readings and time for sharing thoughts about how we relate to creation. Enjoy your own picnic lunch following the House Gathering, or take time to walk the labyrinth. For planning purposes, we appreciate your RSVP to Debbie@mountainlightretreatva.com.

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Presence: A Daylong Mindfulness and Yoga Retreat

Join us for a daylong mindfulness, yoga and nature connection retreat. Christine Gyovai will guide mindfulness sessions. Michael Okusa will lead yoga, and Amber Ellis will facilitate a nature connection and journaling session. Show up as you are, experienced or new to meditation and yoga—all are welcome. Suggested donation is $45 - $195; participant proceeds go to the Love No Ego Foundation. Space is limited, and lodging available. Questions? Contact Christine: info@dialogueanddesign.com. See additional details and register at the link: www.yeswerise.org/retreats.

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Sacred Earth Sacred Soul House Gathering (zoom)

Join our contemplative House Gathering on zoom led by Br. Thomas Kildare. Our program highlights passages from John Philip Newell’s book, as well as sacred readings, meditative music, and silent reflection time. Share prayer time with others also engaged in prayer with and for creation. For the program and zoom link, please contact Debbie@mountainlightretreatva.com. All are welcome!

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