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Practices for Equanimity: Responses to Change in Our Lives

Join us for a one-day in-person workshop offering valuable PRACTICES—ways to take care of ourselves wherever we are, ways to connect with our Source. If we can keep our balance, then we can share calm with others and create an island of coherence—even in a sea of chaos. But first, we need to manage ourselves. This is an approved Veriditas Qualifying Workshop, but it’s for EVERYBODY. Mary Ann Wamhoff will share the power of the labyrinth, the Four Paths, mindful breathing, and T’ai Chi Chih! If you have artistic or musical projects, you may wish to bring them and your tools. If you plan to stay at Mountain Light, please consider booking your accommodations soon . It is possible to add a day or so before or after the retreat—or both! Spring is a very beautiful and popular time of year in the Blue Ridge! Taste these non-dogmatic practices, open to any and every tradition—or those with no tradition. Take a Spring Saturday to join us in recentering with equanimity! Feel the difference. Wear comfortable clothing and be ready to be outdoors if possible.

Mary Ann Wamhoff, Veriditas Faculty Member, immersed in the Four Paths, lifelong student of breathwork, Accredited in T’ai Chi Chih, leads this retreat. Contact Mary Ann to register or for questions: Cost: $75/ Early Bird Registration $65 until April 1. Lunch is included, but you are welcome to bring your brown bag lunch.

April 18

Stations of the Cross