Weave Magic Spells
Being in Blackwell’s Hollow, surrounded by mountains and all the life there, and the stones that speak of all the lives that have come before us, there is a call to be with kindred poetic spirits.

FlyDog Yoga Fall Retreat
FlyDog Yoga recently held their weekend fall retreat at Mountain Light and shared their thoughts with us.

Grief Journeys
Our hearts were honored and held with care during the Grief Retreat at Mountain Light Retreat

Upcoming FlyDog Yoga Retreat
FlyDog Yoga retreat, November 4–6, at Mountain Light Retreat, offers an intimate setting in beautiful Western Albemarle County.

Valuing Water
Mountain Light Retreat in Crozet, Va embraces reuse, reduce, recycle. This reusable water bottle is hanging out on the recently renovated screened porch looking towards Loft Mountain on the SNP. Check out upcoming events at www.mountainlightretreatva.com

Visioning a way forward
Bread and Roses looks to vision a way forward at Mountain Light Retreat

One Year Anniversary
One year anniversary at Mountain Light Retreat in Crozet, Virginia offers up a lot to be grateful for.

Feast Day for St. Clare of Assisi
Letting Go: We celebrate St. Clare of Assisi today, August 11. Her words offer us wisdom in the of leading a life of simplicity that leads to deeper spirituality.

National Friendship Day
Friendship: In creating a contemplative space, people have come with ideas for paint colors, design ideas, window treatments, and plants to enliven the space. To date, this has been such a beautiful journey, with friends old and new.

Healing Grief Retreat
Words we can leave behind, so that nothing remains left unsaid, was a beautiful take away from the Healing Grief Retreat at Mountain Light Retreat this past Saturday. For further reading, you can purchase Nothing Left Unsaid by Mary Polce on Amazon.

Mountain Light Poetry
Mountain Light Poetry retreat inspires writers to tap into their inner muse.

Uplifting Events, with More to Come!
Uplifting events at Mountain Light Retreat. Check out the Events Page to see what’s coming up.

Visiting for the first time
Visiting the First Time
Mountain views always take my breath away. When my husband David and I visited the Retreat the first time in June 2021, the view from the screen porch of the stone cottage lifted us to a place of deep peace. We felt certain that others, also, would feel the serenity here.
We appreciated how the artisans had created unique stone buildings, and that the tower held a church bell original to the property. The church ceiling, with the traditional wooden beams of an ark, lent us the strength and commitment to offer this place for spiritual renewal through contemplation and silence. We were quite attracted to the place, and truly felt called to be caretakers.

The Way of the Cross
The Way of the Cross at Mountain Light Retreat in Crozet, Va is on view for two more days. Good Friday, 11-2 and Holy Saturday, 11-3. 6656 Mountain Light Place, Crozet, VA