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Welcoming Divine Presence: Embodying the Mishkin through Authentic Movement

We offer the Discipline of Authentic Movement as a Jewish spiritual practice to enter the doorway between the conscious and unconscious. We embody the weekly Torah portion, Pekudei, with the collective support of a sacred circle of movers. The Mishkan is the Holy Space created by the whole community as a place for the Divine to dwell. This image and sacred energy will support the exploration of our awareness of our full humanness—the places that feel holy and those that feel far from holiness. As we deepen into an embodied place of direct intuitive knowing, we open to our knowing and unknowing in our bodies, in our souls, and in our wholeness. All are welcome to join this sacred circle. We practice Authentic Movement with eyes closed in the presence of a compassionate witness. Silence and speech, movement and stillness are all gifts we bring to our deep embodied listening.

This retreat is led by Simona Aronow and Julie Leavitt. Simona Aronow (BC-DMT, CMA, NCC, NCTMB) facilitates movement for self-awareness and transformation. She brings to this work over 45 years of experience as a therapist, teacher, healer and supervisor. She maintains a private practice in Charlottesville, as well as leading both in-person retreats and a virtual monthly Authentic Movement retreat for experienced students. Julie Leavitt (DMin, BC-DMT, LMHC) is a body-centered psychotherapist and spiritual companion. She has taught for 30+ years at Lesley University and practices spiritual direction at Hebrew College, Hebrew Union College, and privately. Simona and Julie have enjoyed co-leading many retreats. Learn more by contacting Simona for the attached retreat flyer, and use the register button below to register. Contact Simona: Contact Julie:


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