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Winter Retreat: Re-Remembering Who I Really Am

A woman’s journey is a lifelong cycle of developing, growth and learning. This Retreat Series, offered in each season of the year 2024, is designed to explore and embrace your role as the storyteller of your life - encouraging you to open up the narratives you live through so you can step more fully into your self-expression. Sometimes it takes a lifetime to put your pieces together. But when you do, that’s the masterpiece. It all belongs.

You are invited to reflect on your larger life journey, as well as how we navigate the smaller journeys we embark on with our relationships, faith, career, and aging and how we follow our bliss and live fully on our journey. While each of us are on a solo journey it is helpful to reflect and share and bear witness in community with other traveling companions. Our hope is that you’ll join us in the honest and creative journey to reclaim your inner voice and heart guidance. 

 Each workshop in the series is in a different season of the year which aid our conversations with the cycles and rhythms on our inner journeys. They are standalone retreats, but we hope you consider joining us for all these retreat weekends of respite and nourishment for your body, mind and spirit. We have planned healthy dining experiences as well as opportunities for movement, creativity, reflection, play and wonder.

Retreat leaders are Lisa Crawford, founder of Grace Full Living in Crozet, a spiritual director and practitioner of Healing Touch energy medicine, and Kathy Doby, also an experienced retreat leader, spiritual director, and ordained Elder in the Presbyterian Church who has directed faith formation programs in Charlottesville congregations. For retreat flyer or to register, please contact Kathy Doby,     

January 24

Shield Making Retreat

February 2

A Poets Retreat