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Shield Making Retreat

Miraculous moments comprise the stepping stones of forward movement on our paths. None is more enriching than the revelation from a shield meditation.

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In this retreat, a guided meditation will reveal fresh reflections of our existence. We will learn and grow from the more profound experience of ourselves. Our visions will be unique and valuable in empowering our direction and fulfillment. Have you ever glimpsed your true beauty? Your natural blessings? The gift you are? It is possible, and Spirit will show you how to enjoy being the Light you are.

 Details of each shield maker’s meditation will be captured and sketched out to form the design of a shield that can hang on your personal altar or sacred space to inspire for years to come.

 Retreat Leader Louise M. Mitchell has led shield-making sessions since 1991. It is one of the gifts she carries—one of those stones she stepped onto to discover a connection with the Keepers of the Hoop. The practice is based on sacred Native and universal symbols and traditions in cultures worldwide.

 Hoops and crafting materials are provided. Artistic talent is unnecessary, as Spirit remains close during the entire event, guiding and helping to capture details accurately. For examples of shields, visit

 Participation is open to women, men, and children (accompanied by a parent). All participants should be comfortable meditating for up to 30 minutes. Contact Debbie at to reserve your place. The registration fee is $100 per person. Registrants receive additional information to prepare for the retreat.


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