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Beautiful Vision: Cultivating Insight through Buddhist Liturgical Contemplation

Monastic traditions throughout the world vary widely in their practices, prayer life, and precepts, but they do share some consistent and universal elements. Their communities are often located in the peaceful and serene surroundings of the natural world, where those living life in the fullness of their faith can commune with the sacred through the beauty and stillness found outside of the movements and bustle of urban environments. And while the rhythms of their daily routines can be quite different from tradition to tradition, the monastic life is defined by the routinization of periods of prayer and meditation throughout the course of the day—especially emphasizing the beginning and ending of their days in gathering for group practice and liturgy.  

This retreat is offered by Saccadhārā Kōkyo (Todd Brown), visiting resident of Mountain Light Retreat. Inspired by monastic spirituality and interreligious theological approaches, Todd will lead meditation and liturgical chanting sessions within the beauty and natural surroundings of the Mountain Light Retreat chapel—helping us all to ground ourselves in contemplative living, to further habituate a daily spiritual practice for ourselves, and to carry a continued sense of presence and prayer as we move through our daily lives and activities—to live life with greater degrees of divine presence and purified perception.

The days will include formal sitting and walking meditation sessions, morning and evening chanting liturgies, and simple breakfast, lunch, and tea offerings with discussion and instruction in the dining hall. The structure of and instruction during the gatherings are rooted in the Buddhist tradition, but are not limited to any specific religious affiliation and integrates the teachings of other contemplative traditions as well. All are welcome and encouraged to participate.

You may drop-in to join in contemplative time, stay for a day, or stay for the entire retreat.

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February 28

Write Time

March 27

Welcoming Divine Presence: Embodying the Mishkin through Authentic Movement