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Healing Grief Retreat

Mary Polce, PhD, LPC and spiritual director, offers a group retreat for individuals experiencing grief. There is hope for those who are grieving the loss of loved ones. Come spend a day steeped in the beauty of nature with compassionate caring. Retreat participants will learn about coping with grief through meditation/prayer, mindfulness, journaling, and group sharing. Participation in each retreat activity is voluntary and can be adjusted to meet the comfort level of individual participants. Come alone or bring a friend. Members of the same grieving family are also welcome. Bring your heart, a journal, a picture of your loved one(s), a folding chair for outside, and your own lunch and drink. Suggested donation $10, and reserve your spot by emailing Debbie Scott at

Please note: The bridge coming from the direction of Free Union and points north is under construction. Use directions from Barracks Road to Garth Road to Brown’s Gap Turnpike, Route 810.

June 21

Summer Solstice

July 2

Sacred Earth Sacred Soul