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Fourth Friday Day Retreats

Are you looking for a day of quiet reflection and soul care? Come enjoy time in solitude or in quiet fellowship with other companions in a place of beauty and peace. We’ll begin our time at 10 am in the chapel sharing a reading and some silence together. You are welcome to spend the rest of the day as you like. Bring what you need to make it a memorable day for you. A simple lunch will be provided at noon or feel free to bring your own.

For those who wish, we will gather again toward the end of the day to share insights, joys and experiences of the day. Reservations are encouraged due to space and to aid in planning lunch. The suggested donation is $20, which can be paid on arrival. Can’t come on this date—reserve your space for next month, Fourth Friday!

April 20

Sacred Earth Sacred Soul

May 5

Common Awakening Retreat (Private)