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The Vernal Equinox on March 20th marks the beginning of spring, a time when we begin to have more light than darkness in each day.   After a period of gathering strength through winter rest and introspection, energy is ready to awaken.   It is a time when sap is rising in the plants, bringing with it the power for new life and growth.   A time of hope for positive change.

Many ancient traditions honor the powerful & magical forces that bring about spring, with its new life, renewal, growth, and abundance.  We may think of the natural world as outside of us, but the same mysterious forces that cause flowers to bloom also animates our own being.

 We will use many techniques–– movement, gentle yoga, dance, music, artwork, meditation and group ritual––to get us in touch with our own wild natures and to become more intentional about what we invite to be born in our own “rising sap” this spring.  

 What in you wants to be awakened at this time? 

You can register HERERegistration closes Sunday, March 17.

The cost of this retreat is $100 and includes a vegetarian lunch.

Your host for this retreat is Mia White, who draws from her decades of healing arts background to bring you this retreat.  You can learn more about her at

March 22

Stations of the Cross

March 30

Awaken: A Somatic Expressive Arts & 5Rhythms Retreat